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Thread: Payment gateways, pricing plans and other stuff

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Payment gateways, pricing plans and other stuff

    If and when i decide to buy your vantage theme, please clarify some things here, or you can send me reply to email: zubinhjo[at]live[dot]com

    Question related to payment gateways:

    Do you have option for: Authorize net (yes/no) , clickandbuy (yes/no) , 2checkout (yes/no) , payza (yes/no)? I only saw option for paypal and google checkout.

    Question about pricing plans:

    If i set to charge for listing, can i add lets say plan1 price=free 30 days listing, and then have plan2 60 days 15$ etc etc

    Bonus questions:

    Q1. Can i add pictures or icons next to categories in top menu frame? Every category to have its own icon.

    Q2. What kind of help do i get from customer or tech support after i buy vantage theme from appthemes?

    Q3. Do i get limited support when it comes to editing layout or code etc? (example: category icons help, remove category from url, etc)

    Q4. What happens to expired listing? (they get deleted or sent to draft)

    Q5. How does claim listing work? (someone hits claim listing and then i apporve and...)

    Q6. Is there any protection against bots? (registration etc)

    Q7. When customer oreders listing do they get confirmation email? Can i edit and input some custom email? (please explain or show me some screenshot of demo email)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The only payment gateway built into the theme is PayPal, however there are other payment gateway options available in the form of plugins which are found in the AppThemes Marketplace. These include 2Checkout,, and Stripe.

    As you can see from the Vantage admin demo, you can create the plan you like with the price and duration of your choice.

    In answer to your other questions:

    1. This would currently require some customization on your part, as there are no settings for this in the Vantage admin dashboard. Our themes are not encrypted though, so you are free to make such changes if you wish.

    2. All support for our themes is carried out in the form of the AppThemes forums, where our dedicated support team are on hand to help. We do not officially support customizations, or third party plugins, however you can seek community based support in the forums.

    3. As above ^^

    4. Expired listings are sent back to draft mode and are no longer visible on the site.

    5. If the listing is made available to be claimed, and a business owner hits the button for approval, the admin can either approve or decline the claim (based on whatever your requirements are to verify that business), and publish that listing again.

    6. There is not a feature built into the theme as the theme uses the default WP login function. You could use plugins such as WangGuard or WPreCAPTCHA for this purpose.

    7. Yes, the customer receives an email when they add a listing. The options to edit the email are not available in the Vantage admin dashboard, however you could edit this in the theme files if you wanted to. The existing email is similar to this:

    Hello (username),

    This email confirms that you have purchased the following listings:
    • (URL link to the listing)
    Total cost: 0 USD

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thank you pepsi for fast reply, as a reward i have one bonus questions :)

    Is google wallet implemented in vantage theme? I could not find it in marketplace section of the site, and i saw one administrator mentioned google wallet but he did not specify in what theme it was included.

  4. #4
    Shannon's Avatar
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    It's on the way. We're finalizing some code and testing it thoroughly.

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