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Thread: Payment for listing - 3 day grace period

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Payment for listing - 3 day grace period

    Hi there,

    I was wondering, we are designing a classified website for a country in Africa. Needless to say some are a bit skeptical using payment methods online - some aren't though. Not only this - Paypal is rather
    fussy allowing residents of africa paypal accounts - so some folk unfortunately do not have paypal - and never will.

    We would like to have the general listing packages available ie bronze package or gold package. would it be possible to create an additional listing package, such as '3 day grace period'. So for those who
    are not comfortable sending money online or for those who do not have paypal, they are able to still list there ad - but will have 3 days in which to fax our company proof of payment (possibly the payed a direct deposit).

    This option would automatically delete after 3 days. If however proof of payment is received - we would need to be able to access the listing and correct the expiry date, so that the listing is not deleted.

    I hope I make sense here,

    Lastly, what are the other payment options .

    thank you kindly.

    Warm regards,

  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    Would it be possible for someone to please answer my questions below - as we would like to purchase this
    theme asap.


  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    It's probably not necessary to create a special ad pack as such, because ClassiPress already includes a manual payment option as well as PayPal, which allows you to moderate ads until the payment has been manually made/confirmed in the way you describe. Rather than automatically deleting after 3 days, the ad would not be published until you have manually approved it based on payment.

    Outside of the PayPal and bank transfer payment methods, we do also have a Google Checkout plugin available for ClassiPress at this time. There are some planned changes for the payment setup in our themes such as ClassiPress which will give more options for payment gateways in future as well. Thanks.

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