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Thread: Payment Method

  1. #11
    Not a Verified Customer
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    Re: Payment Method

    I didn't mean hard coded (I don't mind messing around with the code at all). What could be a show stopper is that it could not work at all with other thing but paypal.

    At this point I'm considering to get the Personal Edition and take a look under the hood, and maybe tinker with it a bit.

  2. #12
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: Payment Method

    Thanks for explaining. ClassiPress has been written to eventually support many other payment solutions and it's also pretty easy to modify the PayPal code and the parameters for your bank.

    After payment has been made, it just needs to redirect back to a certain ClassiPress page on your site with a confirmation id (pid created by ClassiPress).

    If you are familiar with PHP and how your banks script works, you shouldn't have any problems with this. You could even provide your script to other ClassiPress users once you finish it.

  3. #13
    Affiliate Member AppThemes Affiliate limwc78's Avatar
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    Re: Payment Method

    Dear Sir,

    Can i take out the charges for posting. I want to be free posting most propably 2 to 3 years. However the special listing i need to charges, can it be done. My country user not familiar to use paypal, they are more familiar of online banking. Can the last page link to the online banking. The posting will be wait for hold, until i verified receive the payment only release the posting.

    Thank you,

    wei chuan

  4. #14
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Payment Method

    Quote Originally Posted by limwc78
    Dear Sir,

    Can i take out the charges for posting. I want to be free posting most propably 2 to 3 years. However the special listing i need to charges, can it be done. My country user not familiar to use paypal, they are more familiar of online banking. Can the last page link to the online banking. The posting will be wait for hold, until i verified receive the payment only release the posting.

    Thank you,

    wei chuan
    Currently, if you want to run the ads for free on your site you can, and you could change the new ad status to "Pending Review" which means you would have to manually approve each one. This allows you to receive payment first before you approve the ad, but of course it is a manual process.

    I am locking this thread now as the original topic has been discussed and it was related to paying for ClassiPress itself. If you have further questions about how the product functions please create a new thread. Thanks.

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