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Thread: Payment system scenario & others questions

  1. #1
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    Payment system scenario & others questions

    I m interesting to buy ClassiPress but I want my user can post free and pay for read answer to their classified post only.

    1. It can be credit based, by weekly or monthly subscription, by single answer to the author classified, or a an allowed time.

    2. Does your theme is compatible with Wordpress SEO, and Wordpress SEO video by Yoast.

    3. Does your theme is compatible with YARP Yeat Another Related Post

    4. Does your theme CSS can be changed to modify Headers

    Thanks for your answer.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There is no function within the theme which allows you to charge users to read answers to classified ad posts, so this would require customization on your part.

    1. There is no credit based functionality, single ads or subscriptions are paid for in advance by PayPal (or other payment gateways should you choose to add those).

    2. The WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast is listed on our recommended plugins page as it has been tested with the theme, however we cannot confirm if this is the case with WP SEO video.

    3. There is no specific mention of this being tested by members of the community. We do not officially support third party plugins, so we cannot guarantee that they will all definitely be compatible with our themes.

    4. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to customize them as you wish. Thanks.

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