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Thread: personal, small business, professional differences?

  1. #1
    Forum Member davearthurs's Avatar
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    personal, small business, professional differences?

    I'm a bit confused as to the differences between the JobRoller Pricings:
    is small business the same as professional apart from PSD files?
    I'm a designer so probably won't need those.

    If you have a free jobsboard and buy personal is that the same as other versions apart from Paypal integration?
    Could the personal version be upgraded to small business later?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you are basically correct about the differences. These are also shown on the JobRoller Features Page.

    And yes, if you purchase Personal Edition to start with, you can easily upgrade your licence type at a later date via your AppThemes customer dashboard, and you only pay the difference in price between the licence you already have and the one you want to upgrade to.

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