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Thread: Plugins

  1. #1
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    Can I download wordpress plugins such as Buddy Press and SEO Yeost and other third party plugins for the Vantage theme and are they compatable with this theme?
    Is it possible to to add a slider to the top of the home page, and how easy is it to do that?
    We would like to restrict visitors so that they have to register to see the details of listings?
    Will the theme cope with thousands of members?

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins, so we cannot guarantee that all plugins will definitely be compatible with our themes. Whilst there are plugins such as SEO by Yoast that are commonly used by members of our community, others such as BuddyPress may not work directly "out of the box" based on some feedback from those who have tried it, and could require additional customization in order to work. Some recommended plugins can be found here.

    There is no encryption in Vantage which would prevent you from making modifications to the theme for a slider, so you are free to make such changes if you wish. How "easy" this is, is ultimately related to your level of coding knowledge.

    The question of membership is related to WordPress more so than the theme itself, and the number or users it can handle virtually unlimited. Consideration should be given to the actual hosting of your website for this kind of thing, and this WordPress documentation contains some useful information for high traffic websites which may explain things in more detail. Thanks.

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