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Thread: Is this possible in Classipress

  1. #1
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    Newbie larsshansen's Avatar
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    Is this possible in Classipress

    Hi, i do have some questions before buying ClassiPress.

    1. Is it possible that a registered user of CP can follow another user's activity on CP

    2. When an ad expires, and you have told the system to delete the ad after expiration, will the images related to the advertisement so also deleted

    3. Will a user be warned before the ad is turned off / deleted

    4. Is it possible to manually select featured ads as they appear on the front for no cost, or maybe possibly to turning off all payment from inside the administration

    5. The featured ads, is there a rss feed just for them so you could show this ads on other homesites

    6. Can a user in CP create an agent that keeps track of new ads based on keywords / categories

    7. Is there a Danish translation on its way or is it something that i could help with?

    Thats all for now, looking forward to hear from you, thanks.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. I'm not sure what you mean exacty, but they can view other listings of a user by checking their profile.

    2. The images will not automatically delete from your host, no.

    3. If you select the notification option they will receive an expiry email for paid ads. The email itself is triggered by the cron job so doesn't go out beforehand.

    4. Yes, you can manually select them or turn them off if you wish.

    5. There isn't a button/link already set up for this so you'd need to figure out the feed name. It's easy enough to work out for the blog posts: /feed/?post_type=featured but the ads are custom post types..

    6. No

    7. The existing translations we have are posted on the Language packs page, and it doesn't appear we have a Danish translation at this time. If you did wish to look at providing a translation for this theme, you may wish to refer to our translator offer and perhaps consider doing this for ClassiPress v3.1 due out this month?

  3. #3
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    Newbie larsshansen's Avatar
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    Hi again, what i mean in #1 is that, is it possible to follow some users in CP, a kind of facebook / twitter follow friends function.
    Then when a specific user place an ad again, I will be the first to know it.

    2. The images will not automatically delete from your host, no.
    What do others do?
    If you got a site with a lot of activity/ads, who does then clean up, especially when an ads delete itself after expired

    3. If you select the notification option they will receive an expiry email for paid ads.
    If i like it all to be free, then CP would not send a expiry mail?

    Thanks for a quick reply
    Lars Hansen

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