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Thread: Pre-sale doubts

  1. #1
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    Guest Josefo's Avatar

    Pre-sale doubts

    Before buy Please I have doubts.

    1) Are the classifieds stored in a database?
    2) can I comment and rate a classified?
    3) Can I charge customers for post an Ads?
    4) Can I use my bank (credit cards) for charge an Ads?
    5) Does Classipress support Google Maps?
    6) Is it responsive?
    7) Can a customer upload a video into a Ads?
    8) Does an Ads support image gallery?
    9) does Classipress support Yoast SEO?
    10) Does Classipress support WPWL?
    11) Does Classipress support Google adsense?
    12) what about Google analytics?
    13) support banners?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) Yes
    2) This is not a default feature of the theme
    3) Yes
    4) If the default payment gateway, PayPal supports this for your country, then yes, otherwise you may need to look at other payment gateway plugins in the AppThemes marketplace
    5) ClassiPress uses Google maps for the map which appears in the ad listing sidebar
    6) Yes
    7) No, but you can allow embedded YouTube code into the listing description
    8) Yes there is a small image gallery in the listing page
    9) Whilst we don't officially support third party plugins, this is one listed on our recommended plugins page
    10) Do you mean WPML? If so, you may like to read this post
    11) Yes
    12) Yes there are default ad spaces, but also banner plugins available in the AppThemes marketplace. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    Hi Pepsi

    Please, one more question about License:

    A) Can I charge my customers for post an Classified Ad?
    B) Can I modifed the original (dpwnloaded) code? For example PHP code or add new features?
    C) How many type of classfied ad support? We Want one classfied ad for free and one premium (pay)
    D) Can I sell my website in the future? For example sell my company???
    E) Any special license restriction?


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    A) Yes, there are a number of pricing options to choose from
    B) Yes, our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to modify them as you wish
    C) Yes you can offer both free and paid ads
    D) Yes, but you cannot sell the license for the theme use (i.e. the person purchasing your site won't automatically become an AppThemes customer), they would need to purchase their own license if they want to keep up with theme updates and support.
    E) You can read more in our terms of service page. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Guest Josefo's Avatar
    Hi Pepsi thanks.

    Last thing:

    Does your theme support WPML (
    I cannot see ClassiPress in the listing of themes supported by WPML? I know that you have an API (bridge). Could you please explain a little be more.
    Any plan to be in the WPML Listing of theme certified?


  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    ClassiPress doesn't support WPML out of the box, which is why you need the WPML bridge plugin. All the information we have about this is explained in the blog post mentioned. There are not other plans outside of this as we essentially still do not officially support third party plugins. Thanks.

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