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Thread: pre sale questions

  1. #1
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    Guest lookingtobuy's Avatar

    pre sale questions

    I am interested in your theme but i need to make sure that implementing it will not be an headache.

    1. Is this theme compatible with the latest version of wordpress?
    2. Will this theme allowing users to submit coupons in any format or does the admin have to manuallly sumbit each coupon?
    3. will customers/users be able to print coupons easily by just pressing ctrl P ?
    4. What format is best for the coupon. PNG, JPEG ???
    6. Is thos theme mobile frendly
    7. is the social mediua sharing tool standard or is it a plugin? what other plugins are required to achieve the look and feel of the demo? do i need to buy plugins to execute the same look and feel as the demo?
    8. Will i need to learn php to upload this theme or can it be done from the wp-admin dashboard?
    9. Are there any video tutorials for this theme?
    10. is there anyone using this theme successfully out there besides the demo ?( links)

    Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    1. Yes the themes are compatible with the latest version of Wordpress.
    2. If you are referring to the Clipper theme, yes users can submit coupons of which you can check through the demo Premium WordPress Themes Demo Center | AppThemes .
    3. There is button for the users to print the coupon.
    4. It supports png and jpeg.
    5. ---
    6. It might require a plugin to make it more friendly with mobile devices.
    7.The social media buttons are built in the theme.
    8. You can upload the theme through the admin.
    9. No video tutorial for this theme yet as it is being currently worked out. However, the documentation includes some screenshots of which you can easily follow.
    10. There are successful users but as usual some are not just willing to share their sites for some obvious reason.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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