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Thread: Pre-sale questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Pre-sale questions


    we are interested buying Vantage but we found the settings very limited.

    1- Is there other settings we do not see in the demo?
    2- Can we determine the sort order of the listing into the category and search?
    3- Can a listing have more than 5 images?
    4- Can we do "major" customization to the template? Do we have access to all files like a normal wordpress theme?
    5- Do you offer custom theme modifications?
    6- I saw you have tested a few plugins but is it limited to these, can we use any plugins we want, is there big chance to have conflict with this theme?
    7- Is there a way to also have the functionality of your classified theme into this theme?
    8- I guess we can use a "Page" to be the homepage, is it right?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    1.No there're not:)
    2.If you mean, changing the order of the listings in a category then you you will have to use a third party plugin or modify the code.Vantage lists the last listing first just like WordPress lists posts.
    3.Currently Vantage allows 5 images so if you need more images you will have to modify the code.
    4.Yes you can, all the code is open so you can customize it according to your needs.
    5.We do not provide professional services but if you're looking to hire someone consider one of our certified partners.
    6.We cannot guarantee that all WordPress plugins will work correctly with Vantage but most popular plugins are compatible.
    7.Could you please explain more your thoughts on this?
    8.Yes you can.

    Please let me know if you need further assistance.

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