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Thread: Pre-Sale Questions: Security, customisation & vendor support

  1. #1
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    Pre-Sale Questions: Security, customisation & vendor support

    Hi Guys,

    I had a couple questions about functionality I was hoping you could help with.

    My knowledge: HTML + CSS

    1. Would I be able to completely alter the look of this theme using CSS and a grid framework?
    2. What skill-set will I need to alter basic features such as adding filter options and the job forms?
    3. I'll need to integrate other payment options such as credit/debit cards and alipay, would this be possible?
    4. I want to store CV's, background checks and other sensitive information. Would this be easily linkable to a separate database?
    5. How is the security level on the site?
    6. What skillset will I need build in other functionality in the future such as a feedback system etc.
    7. I want job adverts to be free but for people to pay for bold listings and a featured ad system. Is this possible?

    I realize most of this will be beyond HTML and CSS, I'm working with other people but I'd like to know what's required myself if possible.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. There is no encryption which would prevent you from changing the layout of the theme, so yes it can definitely be done through css. We recommend the creation of a child theme so that you don't lose all of your modifications in the process of an update.

    2. Knowledge of .php would be useful for making changes to theme functionality, with css for styling. More information can be found in the link above.

    3. You can implement your own payment gateway if you wish, however you may also wish to note we offer other payment gateway plugins in the AppThemes marketplace.

    4. CV/resume information is typed in, rather than uploaded by the job seekers, but the FXtender plugin does allow uploading. Technically what you describe could be done, but how "easy" this is, is ultimately relative to your level of coding knowledge.

    5. Within the theme you can restrict back office access and reCaptcha for new user registration, but in addition to this you could also research other options for increasing security on a WordPress site (rather than specifically relating to the theme).

    6. As mentioned above, .php knowledge would be required. You can find some more information on our AppThemes developer centre page which may help.

    7. You can set job plans from within the WordPress admin dashboard with featured listing options available as shown on the JobRoller admin demo site. Thanks.

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