Pre-Sales Q's re: packages & user registration
Hi, I'm hoping you can help with a few pre-purchase questions.
I'm trying to create a directory for a specific industry, and I am trying to understand what is possible with the different price plans on vantage. I see that I can change the time length, number of categories and whether a listing is feature or not. I am wondering however if I can assign custom fields to particular price plans.
For example could I create a gold, silver, bronze tier of listings that was available for every directory category? So a bronze category may have company name, description and website; a silver listing would have these fields plus email, telephone number and social media; and a gold listing would have all the possible fields and be featured too?
Also, while it is possible to determine how many categories are assigned to each price plan, could the same be implemented for image uploads? So a basic plan has 1 image upload and a featured has 5 image uploads (for example).
Last but not least, I see from the demo that new users are allowed to choose / edit their password but is there any sort of captcha in place or will the theme work with a captcha plugin to prevent lots of spam registrations?
Thank you,