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Thread: Pre-sales question

  1. #1
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    Guest Marlies's Avatar

    Pre-sales question

    Hi there!

    I'm thinking of purchasing the jobroller theme, but intent to use it a little differently. Instead of job listings, we want to show people that can do stuff (like gardeners, house maintenance, etc), so people visiting the site can search and hire from there. Is this possible in this theme? I reckon it would only mean renaming some stuff in the back-end?

    I hope you can let me know how customizable that part is. I'm a WordPress developer, so I know how to handle most things. I hope you can let me know.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Potentially yes it is possible, in fact it would be possible with JobRoller, or even the ClassiPress theme (both themes would allow people to create listings, with site visitors being able to contact them via the contact form on the ad/listing page). These themes are not encrypted, so you are free to modify as you wish. In this instance you may just want to read the overview and check the demos for both themes and see which contains more of the features you are looking for, as this would mean less modification overall on your part. One thing ClassiPress has that JobRoller does not, is that you can create a custom ad form, meaning your ad posters can complete whatever fields you require them to fill out. Vantage also has this option, but right now it does not include a contact form on the listing.

  3. #3
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    Guest Marlies's Avatar
    Thanks for your reply, Pepsi! I will look into both options more thoroughly. Vantage also looks like a good option. Is it possible in ClassiPress to search on location like in the Jobroller theme? And is it possible to list the listings on the homepage the way it is done in the Jobroller and the Vantage theme?

    Hope to hear from you again. Thanks!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    ClassiPress has an advanced search functionality which allows you to set a more specific location based search (and other fields) for your customers. This is visible in the category view as seen on the ClassiPress demo site here in the sidebar as "Refine results" with zip/postal code, radius, and other options based on what you set in the ClassiPress admin.

    The demo site shows one of the default layouts for ClassiPress, with the other being the option to remove the "Ad Categories" box from the homepage, showing only the listings if you wish. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Guest Marlies's Avatar

    Some more questions

    Hi Pepsi,

    Is it possible to add a gallery, or some thumbnails to a job listing in JOBROLLER?

    And just to be sure, it is possible to add a translation right? So I could change the name of for example 'job' into something else?

    Hope to hear from you again soon. Thanks!

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    By default you can submit a logo to a job listing, however adding a gallery of images would require some customization of the default theme on your part. Our themes can be translated into other languages using a .po edit file, you can find more information about how these are created and which existing translations are available via our languages page. In terms of making changes to the default theme, we recommend the use of a child theme to save you losing all of your changes in the process of an upgrade. You can read more about this here. Thanks.

  7. #7
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    Guest Marlies's Avatar
    Thanks again for your reply!

    One more question :)
    I believe that right now the job search is being displayed by order of date posted. Is it also possible to have them displayed by order of search location proximity? So whichever one is nearest first, and then the rest following by order of next nearest?

  8. #8
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome ;)

    There is no setting for this from within the JobRoller admin dashboard which would re-order the listings in this manner, so it would also require customization if you wanted to have them display a you describe. Our themes are not encrypted, so you would be free to make such changes if you wish. Thanks.

  9. #9
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    Guest Marlies's Avatar
    Thanks for your reply. Would the support department be willing to help with such a customization, you think?

  10. #10
    pepsi's Avatar
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    AppThemes does not officially support customizations, however as a customer you can seek community based support in the "Mods & tutorials" section of our forums. Outside of this, you can also find developers for hire on our certified partners page. If you make contact with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for any changes. Thanks.

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