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Thread: Pre Sales Question

  1. #1
    Bhoj Raj
    Thread Starter
    Guest Bhoj Raj's Avatar

    Pre Sales Question

    Hello Team,

    Thanks for wonderful script, I have some question in my mind for Classipress theme (ver 3.3)-

    1:- Can we change the fields different for categories?
    If I will add 1 more category like blood donation in whcih I don't want other fields I just need Name, contact, email and Blood group so is it possible and in case if I will stuck then I will get free support form your team?
    2:- Can we add more sub categories after parent sub category like mobile > Nokia > Model ?
    3:- I am not much families with development so your support team will help me in case of any issue?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    New Zealand
    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    In answer to your questions:

    1. Yes, you can use the custom form functionality within the theme to create a specific ad form for a specific category if you wish. You can have as many custom forms as you wish. This does not require customization of the theme, it is part of the theme options, so our support team can assist within the forums if you're having trouble with the documentation.

    2. Yes, you can add as many categories and levels of sub categories as you wish.

    3. Our team can assist with theme related support issues, however if you are referring to customizations/modifications of theme code, this is not officially supported. Thanks.

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