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Thread: Pre sales question about Job Roller

  1. #1
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    Pre sales question about Job Roller


    With new Job Roller v1.4 do Job Seekers have to pay to upload their CV for (x) amount of days?

    My concern is this... if a Job Seeker can upload their CV for free and I have a website full of CV's and Job Seekers - I don't see why Employer's will bother paying for a listing if they can just pick through all the Job Seekers who have listed for free. Do you see what I mean? And, if so, do you know how I may be able to resolve the issue?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No, there is currently no function to charge job seekers to list their resumes. This would ultimately require customization of the theme on your part.

    Anyone wanting to submit feature requests for consideration into a future release, may do so on the AppThemes Ideas Exchange. This will allow our development team to see what kind of community support there is for such a feature. Thanks.

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