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Thread: Pre Sales Question - Joomla to Wordpress

  1. #1
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    Guest K2Joom's Avatar

    Pre Sales Question - Joomla to Wordpress


    I am working on an existing, multilanguage Joomla based website which uses an extension called Maqma Helpdesk to provide customer tickets/FAQ, KB, bug tracking etc.
    There is a desire to move from Joomla to Wordpress, so I am looking at the helpdesk/ticketing solutions that are available and have found your Quality Control theme.

    Firstly, I love the default layout in the demo, everything is cleanly laid out and easy to find.
    Anyway, back to my questions.

    Currently, the existing helpdesk component, allows for the creation of "companies" in which registered "users/employee" can be assigned, this allows for any "user" in the same "company" to be able to view/edit the "company" level tickets. Is this possible?
    Would I be right in thinking that the best way to handle this kind of configuration is to create multiple WP sites, one per "company", then create the required "employee" type user per company?
    There are currently around 100 "companies", 300 "employees" and 10 "support staff" set up, do you see this as being an issue?

    I noticed from the Admin Demo, that there are no Posts, is this because it is locked in the demo? Can posts still be created to allow a blog section?
    There is also the need to display products too (no online purchase though), so that would probably be handled either by cats and posts or a 3rd party plugin.

    Look forward to your response.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks for your feedback, Simon :) In answer to your questions:

    In the scenario you describe, multiple instances would work best as there is really no functionality within the theme that will easily differentiate companies from one another. The following permissions options can be assigned to users:

    - Users can only view their own tickets and tickets they are assigned to.
    - Users can view all tickets.
    - Users can view and updated all tickets.

    The amount of companies and users involved won't be an issue in terms of ability to do it, but I imagine it would take some time to set up unless you have some knowledge of mysql admin and can work from the database side to migrate data over.

    Quality Control doesn't have the blog functionality that our other themes do, so "Posts" are not available in the wp-admin. Potentially if you needed to be able to display products (assuming their separate from the actual requirements of Quality Control), you could use the ClassiPress theme, although this also would require some customization to remove certain features not required, but could be installed in a subdirectory. You could then use the "Posts"/blog function in that for the site.

    Ultimately it would require some amount of customization in order to use our theme(s) for your project, but there is no encryption which would prevent you from making necessary changes as required. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest K2Joom's Avatar
    Hey Pepsi,

    Thanks for the reply.

    If we create multiple WP instances, so that we can create "companies" and assign users to it, then I would presume that we could have a main site instance that would allow blog/product and standard pages to be displayed.
    The main site, would then have a menu link pointing to a generic helpdesk instance running Quality Control so non registered users can request support.

    I would imagine, that any user logins would have to be handled by each WP instance running Quality Control?

    If this scenario/my understanding is correct, I am curious as to how the login would work, would we have to specify a specific subdomain per company. We still need to have a generic helpdesk ability for new customers, in this case, we would have to manual create a new WP instance for their company, move the user and their tickets from the generic helpdesk to their own.

    My thinking :) main WP install, allowing blog, product capability, would need a link to a WP instance to allow non registered user ticket submissions, this could be
    Then we have Company A, which would have its own WP instance running QC theme on domain and only accept logins from any users we assign here.
    This process is then repeated per company.

    Is that correct?

    Sorry for so many questions, spent 5 years away from WP and only using Joomla.


  4. #4
    Shannon's Avatar
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    Using WordPress multisite would be a good way to go on this. It would allow you more flexibility as you would be able to have users with global access (admins and managers) while permitting single site access to users from different companies.

    If you had separate instances for each company, site admins would need to log in and out of each instance separately. That could become cumbersome.

    I believe you could use subdomains or sub-folders for each site but not both. Here is more info on multisite...

    By the way, we use this multisite structure on some of websites and internal collaboration tools. The demos are on a multisite.

    No worries about the extra questions. We're happy to help.

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