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Thread: Pre-sales questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Pre-sales questions

    I have several questions:
    1) Does Jobroller allow an “Apply Now” button with job postings that links to company website or PDF of more detailed job description containing information on how to apply
    2) Can jobpacks be created that: 1) Allow us to discount pricing for jobs that are reposted after 30 days and 2)offer discounted pricing for companies that post more than 5 jobs in a calendar year. Is there a tracking mechanism that's automated?
    3) If a credit card expires, will a job posting automatically be removed?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) By default, the "Apply now" button emails the employer who posted the job, so if you wanted to change this it would require some customization of the default theme on your part.
    2) Relisting of jobs is under the same conditions of the original listing, so no discount options are available by default. There are no settings specific to users posting habits, so discounted rates based on number of jobs already posted is not possible by default. Specifics of the Job Pack settings can be seen on the JobRoller admin demo.
    3) The job post is paid for prior to being published, so if the credit card expires after it has already been paid for then this would have no effect. If it is already expired before attempting a purchase then PayPal won't complete the transaction. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Save job(s) to view later

    Thanks so much for your prompt response. One more question - and potentially the last question- Can job seekers create a profile? From what I researched, it looks like they can. Also can they save job(s) to view later?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :) Yes, you can allow two registration types in JobRoller if you wish, Employer and Job Seeker. The job seeker account can and add "starred" (favourite) jobs which can be viewed from within their customer dashboard. Thanks.

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