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Thread: Pre-sales questions by MR

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Pre-sales questions by MR

    I've some question about classipress theme, I'm looking for a plugin/theme that manage an announcement site only for premium members. My questions:
    It is possibile to enable the new user torcevate new post only if he pay a monthly fee?
    If so, which kind of method of payment is managed?
    Is it possible to send a reminder email If the monthly payment will expire by x day?
    Is it possible to hide the announcements if the account (monthly payment) is expired?

    Thank a lot!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    ClassiPress includes a function which allows you to create subscription/membership packages, and if you make it a requirement on all categories that a membership package must be in place to post in them, then you could restrict posting to those people only. The default payment gateway included with ClassiPress is PayPal, however you can purchase other payment gateway plugins from the AppThemes marketplace. Customers are emailed when their membership package is about to expire, and they need to manually complete the transaction to renew it (it is not automatically charged). You can choose in the ClassiPress admin dashboard whether or not you want those expiry emails to be sent out. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Pre-sales questions by MR

    Thanks for your reply!
    i've other two questions:
    1) It is possible to hide the posts if the account (monthly payment) is expired?
    2) it is possible to limit the amount of post equalt to 1 for each "premium" member?

    Thanks again for your great support.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

    1) Yes you can set the ad listings to automatically go back to draft mode (unpublished) once they expire from within the ClassiPress admin settings
    2) Membership packs only have the unlimited ads for xx duration option, so this wouldn't be possible without customization of the theme. Thanks.

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