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Thread: Pre-sales questions specifically relating to 3rd part aggregator integration

  1. #1
    Forum Member cp101c's Avatar
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    Pre-sales questions specifically relating to 3rd part aggregator integration


    We're in the "home stretch" of our Job Board solution evaluation. I think this is the final set of questions:

    1. Will JobRoller automatically determine the geographical location of our users and show them jobs listed on our site beginning with jobs in their local (geographical) area?

    2. We want to integrate with 3rd party aggregators (like Indeed). If the answer to question number 1 above is YES, then we need to know how JobRoller would handle the situation where we have jobs listed on our site that are not from the user's local geographical area, and we are feeding jobs from Indeed that are from the user's local area. Will our site's job listings ALWAYS be displayed before those from Indeed (even though none of our jobs are local to the user), or will all jobs (ours and Indeed's) be displayed based on geography? Is there a way to control these types of situations?

    3. Is there any way for us to have the jobs that are posted on our site by our users sent out to Indeed automatically?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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    Hi cp101c,

    1.This feature is not supported.The same jobs are displayed for all visitors of your website.
    3.No you cannot post jobs to

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