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Thread: PreSale Questions

  1. #1
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    Junior Member boib1222's Avatar
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    PreSale Questions

    Can I as an Administrator add an Ad for free. If yes How?

    What are the types of payments methods that Classipress support?

    Can I add different ways of paying other than paypal
    Is support after sale provided and to what limit if available. example: can I ask for adding me customfields?
    Is price per category supported
    Will I get a licence
    Can we ask for adding a plus sign beside each category so subcategories appear when pressed?
    Can we ask for google AdScene integration in the template or should we do it manuallY?
    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. Yes, administrators can add ads from the WordPress admin dashboard.
    2. Payment methods by default are PayPal and bank transfer options, although we also have a plugin now available to include Google Checkout. You could potentially add your own payment gateway as other customers have done, however this is considered a customization, and as such, is not officially supported.
    3. All support for our themes is carried out via the AppThemes forums. We do not officially support customizations or third party plugins, but help with configuration such as custom fields is part of standard support.
    4. Yes, you can select price per category.
    5. A theme purchase is a license to use our products.
    6 & 7. If you want specific changes made that are not part of the default theme, then these are considered customizations, so are basically up to you to implement.

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