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Thread: presales question

  1. #1
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    Guest khanjii's Avatar

    presales question

    hi this is nice plugin or theme what ever u call it..... i have few question before buying it for my website
    1 does job roller support both left and right sidebar at same time
    2 does other wordpress plugin work with jobroller like wordpress seo 5 i have purchased that thanks

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    New Zealand
    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    To clarify, JobRoller is a theme.
    1. No, there is no option for a left hand sidebar so this would require customization on your part.
    2. Whilst we don't officially support third party plugins, and cannot guarantee they will all be compatible with our themes, we do have some recommended plugins mentioned here, as well as specifically created plugins in the AppThemes marketplace. Thanks.

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