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Thread: Price etc

  1. #1
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    Price etc


    I like the functionality of classipress because of the user integration and wondered whether I could adapt this so its a recipe site that accepts cooking recipes instead of selling things. Would this be relatively achievable to change things like the price to something more cook related or am I making hard work for myself?

    I'm quite new to wordpress and the biggest issue I'm having with finding an appropriate template is the user interaction.

  2. #2
    Member ancient-geek's Avatar
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    Re: Price etc

    What an excellent idea. If it's just a matter of the price, it should be easy enough to hack the price field out of it. Though that does mean editing the text files but there's people here who can help with that.
    Tell me more, do you think you need to replace the price field with something or just remove it? I presume you are thinking of a sort of community based recipe sharing resource.
    You set me off on an idea, but don't worry I won't steal yours. ;)

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Price etc

    How hard it is for you comes down to what your coding knowledge is like really. The fields can definitely be customised to suit as you can see from numerous showcase examples. Obviously your other option outside of doing it yourself, is to hire a coder to customize it for you.. There is a "ClassiPress Theme Services" thread where you can find coders for hire who may be able to quote on the changes you are after. :)

  4. #4
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    Re: Price etc

    Hi Guys
    Thanks for your responses.It was more of a hobby idea than a business. I like the idea of having a central resource for recipes and I'd love people to comment and contribute with their own. I'm tired of googling for different ideas! Theres a wordpress plugin to add recipes but its not very advanced and this seem so much more slick.

    Ancient Geek, I'm not sure what I'd change price to or whether it would go completely. It would be nice to adapt the right hand contact bar to an ingredients list instead of addresses though. So many possibilities!

    I've only just started coding html a year ago and i've just made the jump to wordpress and php. I can't design them from scratch but i find it pretty easy to adapt most themes for my purpose. I'm tempted to buy it and try it as I'm sure I could find a use for it.

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