Pricing and what is included should be transparent, not require investigation
I was debating signing up for the plan you charge $249 for, but now I have serious doubts. The app themes club, I think you call it.
Price includes 'all themes' - great but I only need one, and maybe only have a use for two.
Price includes "20+ Marketplace items" - great but to discover what these items are, one would need to manually go through the marketplace section and work out which items you say are designed by you, and which by other people. There is no other way to work this out. Sadly, most of the useful stuff is apparently designed by other people. Child themes for Job roller, for example, have all been credited as being sold by a third party. Seems that whilst your advertising says the price includes all appthemes-designed child themes, you don't actually design child themes for this theme.
I looked at the website of the person who seems to design all the jobroller child themes and at his 'showcase'. Most of the sites listed are either fakes or simply don't exist. That's not an incentive to buy a theme that will inevitably require future updates.............not when the seller appears to be a little dodgy.
That leaves the child themes you sell. And jobroller seems to be celibate; childless.
Sorry but unless I've missed something, you're selling empty boxes.