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Thread: Problems with your online demo

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Problems with your online demo

    I was really interested and impressed with alot of what I saw with your Classipress, however, one very critical problem I ran into was trying to see the process my clients would go through to place an ad - I tried twice in two different categories to place an ad and both times I received a Duplicate Ad error so I was never able to complete the process and see what they go through. It frustrated me and after two times I quit which is probably what my potential clients would do as well. That is the most critical part of the classified ads and if that does not work flawlessly, I don't care how nice your theme looks, if the money end is broken it is worthless.

    Let me know if you get that fixed and after I try the demo mulitple times, maybe I would purchase this if it works consistently.

  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Hmm 1 hour and no response yet?

    I would really love to see how the ad post works, but as I posted earlier, it gives me Duplicate Ad errors and I cannot see the full process. I am not a fan of forums for the very reason that I have been checking back on this issue many times as I was very interested in the product, however, I hate when businesses do not offer phone support and rely solely on forums for support - another strike against my spending my hard earned money on a product which fails on the most critical and crucial money making part of the whole site and then, when you seek help, an hour goes by and not one employee has responded - even a quick, hey thanks for letting us know - will check on this and get back as soon as possible - would be better than nothing! And as far as the forum goes, hasn't anyone else run into this? Why don't you respond if you did?

    I plan to use this for a business and if I can't get support whether it be from the company selling the product or avid users of the product - this really is a huge red flag that if I bought this and had an issue, it could be hours or days before I would get a response which could cost my business reputation and money!

    Anybody out there?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    When you initially access the demo site, there should have been a popup warning containing the following information:

    Please Note: Demo data cannot be saved so when creating a new job, ad listing, coupon, etc you may see an error message. This is demo center behavior only – our themes work just fine. :-)
    As understandably helpful as it would be to allow you to test the full ad posting experience, this not possible with the demo at this stage as there are restrictions which intentionally prevent data being saved into the demo database. You can view further information regarding the ad posting process in our theme documentation though.

    To clarify, our support team endeavors to respond to all threads within 48 hours (although it is usually much sooner than this). We do not offer, nor do we promise instantaneous support. If this is not suitable for you, then you may wish to be aware of our support methods as explained under the "Operating Hours" section of our Support page.

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