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Thread: promotion question.

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Guest pro's Avatar

    promotion question.

    i was also looking for new hosting company and i fount your promotion which sounds great.
    but we do have a lot of database and quite sensitive to decide hosting company.

    we may use test domain for a few weeks and decide if we move all to your partner hosting company (if it's not too bad)

    however, what if we doesn't want to use to ur partner hostings, after we get discount from you. do we have to pay the original price?
    do we have to use ur partner hostings for specific duration? (ex, at least 1yr)

    we worry if the service of hosting is not good as we expect. if not good, do I have to pay back the less of fee for original price?
    I don't think it should be but i just want to make sure.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The affiliate sales made via the hosting signup links on our website allow us to offer such a hefty discount off the theme purchase, and although there isn't a specific set time frame we expect you to sign up for - if you did cancel within a very short time after receiving the discount from us, the affiliate sale would likely be reversed so essentially we would lose out on it. Our preference would be that you sign up at least for a few months so that we don't have to look at any additional charges for the theme later. Thanks.

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