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Thread: Quality Control - Assigned tickets

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Quality Control - Assigned tickets

    OK, here's what I'm trying to achieve:

    I've got a project coming up for a healthcare company that will be receiving orders, which need to be distributed to individual reps, all of whom will have user accounts. I want to be able to assign each order to a particular user when it comes in, so that when that person logs in, they see all of their orders. Because of privacy concerns, the user must ONLY be able to see that order, and not change the assignments of the order, though they must be able to update the order and continue adding information. The admin will be the only person who can see all orders/tickets.

    Is that how this theme works inherently? Or would it be possible to make it so fairly easily using some conditional PHP tags?


  2. #2
    Shannon's Avatar
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    There is a setting for this in QualityControl and you can see it in our demo:

    Under the "General Settings" section, you will find "Assignment Permissions". You can change this setting to "Protected" to keep users from seeing anything but tickets assigned to that user.

    You can allow a user to see their tickets but restrict them to making comments and updating the ticket properties by changing their user profile to "subscriber". They would not be able to change the original ticket message. By the way, you can moderate comments so you can review any updates to the ticket before they are published.

    Please let me know if this adequately answers your question.


  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Yeah, I think that does. This might do it, but I do have one other question. Being that I'm wanting to modify this theme to meet this project's needs, I want to know whether the theme has this option built-in, or it's something I have to build manually. What if I want to add custom fields to each ticket, for example, to add a tracking number when the item ships? Is that ability built-in, or do I have to add it in myself?


  4. #4
    Shannon's Avatar
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    Custom fields is not built into the theme. It is something that would need to be added by customizing the theme. If you know how to add custom fields to WordPress, it shouldn't be too difficult. If you want help, we do not offer custom services ourselves but you can check our partners page ( ). You can also check out the WordPress codex entry on custom fields ( ).

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