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Thread: Quality Control - Home Page etc

  1. #1
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    Guest Nikos's Avatar

    Quality Control - Home Page etc

    Hi all,

    First of all congratulations for your work!

    I am considering to buy Quality control theme and I would like to ask some questions.

    1) Considering that every user has his own account, what is like the home page of the theme? I think the demo shows a user's page after he is logged in. Do you have any screenshot from the home page?

    2) It would be great if a ticket is considered as "Closed" not to be able to be "Open" again. Is this possible?

    3) When a user creates an account what are the given fields (e.g. name, last name, email etc)

    4)Every user can only see his own tickets, right? I think that you all ready answered this one but just in case :)

    Again Congrats

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Nikos, thanks for your feedback :) In answer to your questions:

    1) The homepage will show the tickets posted, however whether or not users can access the information will depend on your settings. You can choose to "Protect" them, so when they try to access a ticket that is not assigned to them, they will receive the message "Sorry, you are not assigned to this ticket, and therefore cannot view it". You can also choose read only or read/edit if you wish. Also, depending on their permissions, they may not be able to see the "Create Ticket" link.

    2) If someone has the ability to close a ticket, then they will be able to re-open it, so closing it permanently would be achieved by changing either the users permissions (which is not good if you need them to keep logging tickets), or change the assigment of the ticket.

    3) User information can be edited by the user in their WordPress profile screen. Initially though, you are only required to create a username and enter the email address and password when setting them up.

    4) Yes, permissions to tickets depends on the ticket assignments and the users access. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    Hi Nikos, thanks for your feedback :) In answer to your questions:

    1) The homepage will show the tickets posted, however whether or not users can access the information will depend on your settings. You can choose to "Protect" them, so when they try to access a ticket that is not assigned to them, they will receive the message "Sorry, you are not assigned to this ticket, and therefore cannot view it". You can also choose read only or read/edit if you wish. Also, depending on their permissions, they may not be able to see the "Create Ticket" link.
    If the tickets are private and personal I think that shouldn't be displayed in the homepage. Maybe the homepage should be somehow the introduction and only if the user log in should be able to see his tickets. Just my opinion :)
    Thank you for your response,

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There are plugins such as Network Privacy, which would require a user to be logged in before they can even access the homepage, although if you're referring only to specific individuals having the ability to see any tickets on the homepage, then this would involve additional customization of the theme. Thanks :)

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