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Thread: Query about Vantage Theme

  1. #1
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    Guest iamhaider's Avatar

    Query about Vantage Theme

    Hi Admin,

    We would like to use vantage theme for our member profile / logged in users. We want to know how it would be possible for us to make following modifications

    1. Listing is for Logged in Users, that means one logged in member will have a listing. is it possible to link one listing with logged in user. I am thinking that on registration page, we create a listing from code and name it same as username.
    2. Modification in Menu design, Is it possible that with provided theme elements, we would be able to menu/search design.
    3. Can we add more tabs on the page when the listing is opened. Like currently by default we have Overview and Reviews. we want to add more tabs with custom programming.
    4. Can we add more fields in listing fields like Video Upload?

    Please let me know answers to above queries.

    Imran Haider

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    As with all of our themes, Vantage is not encrypted, so there are no restrictions which would prevent you from making modifications as you wish, which means technically yes you can add the functionality you mention above. We recommend the creation of a child theme so that you don't lose your modifications in the process of an update. You can read more about this here. Thanks.

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