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Thread: Question about the features for Classipress

  1. #1
    Forum Member carbonfour's Avatar
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    Question about the features for Classipress

    I'm looking to buy the Classipress theme but needed to know if everything in the demo like the contact form and the New User Registration Email works with out plug-in's? Also if categories can be changed and or removed as needed.

    Thank you in advance!!!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The contact form in the ads sidebar and the new user registration email settings are built into the theme. If you were referring to a general contact form (i.e. the "Contact" page).. that is a plugin.

    Yes, the categories are completely up to you to create within the wp-admin, the default theme does not have the categories already pre-setup.

  3. #3
    Forum Member carbonfour's Avatar
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    Thank you for that prompt reply! One last question, all the plug-ins used in the demo are they available or a list of them available somewhere? It would be great if I knew this all before the purchase :)!! Again thanks you and I love this theme!!!!!!

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