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Thread: Question about Lester Chan's Plugins (Specifically - 'Print Post'

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Question about Lester Chan's Plugins (Specifically - 'Print Post'

    I am a great fan of Lester Chan and have used his plugins on several of my wordpress sites. However, when I upgraded to WP 3.0.1. the 'Print this Post' plugin stopped working. I tried re-installing it, to no avail. When I checked Lester's website, it appears that he has moved on to bigger and better things and is no longer upgrading or developing his plugins.

    Can you verify that the 'Print Post' plugin (and other recommended plugins by Lester) actually work with the Classipress theme on WP 3.0.1?

    The Print Post plugin is excellent. However, if it's not working a similar plugin needs to be found. (I've searched and searched and haven't found any up-to-date information about a similar 'print post' plugin, or if anyone else has experience the problem that I did when I upgraded my WP version.)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The Lester Chan plugins wp-print and wp-email still work with previous versions of ClassiPress, however the recent upgrade of Classipress to v3.0.5 now utilizes the custom post types function of WP 3.0 and so it appears now those plugins no longer work. At this stage we don't have a replacement suggestion, so it's possible these features will simply be built into the theme, but our development team are working on it at this point.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for your prompt reply. The print-post feature is wonderful to have, especially when using classipress as a business directory with classifieds as an added bonus. Basically, their listing becomes a printable online business card or flyer. It's also a great feature to have for printable discount coupons, etc.

    I'm curious as to why there are so few plugins besides the one developed by Lester Chan that offer this feature.

    I'm also checking out a php based directory option, and the print post feature is already build in. But Classipress is so much 'classier' that I'd prefer to use this theme rather than go with the php directory option.

    Looking forward to updates on how the 'print post' feature on Classipress progesses!

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