There is one eBay plugin that will work with older versions of Classipress (sort of) but the owner of the plugin (Auction2Post) has stated he won't be developing the plugin any further.
I did manage to get the plugin working with a modified version of CP 3.0.4 but gave up the idea last year as I simply couldn't figure out how to get the plugin to work with custom post types and taxonomies (required for later CP versions). Further, I wanted to create a version that would allow me to post classifieds in addition to the eBay posts. This would require a separation of the different post types in order to comply with eBay terms of service.
I set up a test site here - - for the older CP version 3.0.4 but never finished it off......lots of bugs.....and I lost interest :dispirited:.
However, I now have someone helping me and am hopeful that we will have something up and running in a few weeks. Stay tuned.