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Thread: Question before Classipress purchase

  1. #1
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    Question before Classipress purchase

    I`m interested in purchasing your classipress script, can I trust to buy throught (URL removed) with the 40% discount that they offering?
    Can I run a wordpress multiplesite with your theme in diferent languages without messing up the languages?
    Iīve been reaserching about your past versions and the had that problem with assuming the correct languages using multisite,itīs sorted now?
    Thanks for your time
    Last edited by pepsi; November 15th, 2012 at 02:22 PM.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Please note that AppThemes does not have any resellers for our products, so only those purchased via our website are valid and eligible for theme updates and support. The only promotions we have running at this time are related to WordPress hosting and theme translations.

    There are no issues using a WordPress multisite installation or translating the theme into other languages, however to clarify, ClassiPress is not multi-language capable by default which means although you can translate the theme into any language using the .po language files, there is no automatic language selector allowing multiple languages for one installation. This is where multisite would be useful, as you can have a separate installation for each language. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Question before Classipress purchase

    Hi again,
    Thanks for the information.
    I was exactly talking about the po files, seems like they are located on the languagues sub folder called themes and the wordpress multisite wonīt assume the languages because the po files should be located instead on languages.
    Can you just tell if the new version has the po files located on the languages folder and if works perfectly with multisite.
    Thanks for your reply

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    Please note that AppThemes does not have any resellers for our products, so only those purchased via our website are valid and eligible for theme updates and support. The only promotions we have running at this time are related to WordPress hosting and theme translations.

    There are no issues using a WordPress multisite installation or translating the theme into other languages, however to clarify, ClassiPress is not multi-language capable by default which means although you can translate the theme into any language using the .po language files, there is no automatic language selector allowing multiple languages for one installation. This is where multisite would be useful, as you can have a separate installation for each language. Thanks.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes the .po files should be placed in the languages folder of the theme files (you can find the instructions here on how to use the .po files). I'm not aware of any issues of customers being unable to to use language files in a multisite installation.

    As per the WordPress Codex page for Installing wordpress in your language for a multisite setup:

    If you have a site network (Wordpress multisite), the language is set on a per-blog basis through the "Site language" option in the Settings->General subpanel.
    You can set the default language for the entire network under the Network Admin->Settings panel ("Default Language").

  5. #5
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    Purchase of classipress

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    Please note that AppThemes does not have any resellers for our products, so only those purchased via our website are valid and eligible for theme updates and support. The only promotions we have running at this time are related to WordPress hosting and theme translations.

    There are no issues using a WordPress multisite installation or translating the theme into other languages, however to clarify, ClassiPress is not multi-language capable by default which means although you can translate the theme into any language using the .po language files, there is no automatic language selector allowing multiple languages for one installation. This is where multisite would be useful, as you can have a separate installation for each language. Thanks.
    Hi pepsi,
    I decided follow your sugestion and throughtout appthemes I already bought a new hosting with bluehost following your links to have that 50% discount on the theme.
    I follow all the instructions and the 48 hours that you ask to be pacient are already gone and didnīt heard nothing from you with the 50% coupon code to buy the classipress theme.
    Please can you get back to me as soon as possible.
    The email that I sent the info was: (Email address removed for your security)
    Thanks once again
    Last edited by pepsi; November 25th, 2012 at 02:48 PM.

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Renato, our apologies for the delay you have experienced, further details are available in the reply that has now been sent. Thank you :)

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