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Thread: Questionaire option

  1. #1
    Forum Member ikbal's Avatar
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    Questionaire option

    Good day,

    Please consider adding the following to the next release:

    - 'Submit your CV' (without logging in - there are plugins for this however it would help if the theme included this feature)
    - Questionnaires - As a first step when someone applies for a particular job; an employer/agency may require them to complete a questionaire which will be charged for.

    Kind regards

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thank you for your feedback. You are more than welcome to submit any feature requests to the AppThemes Ideas Exchange, which is where our community can submit and vote for such ideas for consideration by our development team. Whilst we cannot guarantee that every idea will definitely be implemented, popularity or just the general "good idea" of each will certainly be considered when we're looking for new features for our themes. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Forum Member ikbal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    Thank you for your feedback. You are more than welcome to submit any feature requests to the AppThemes Ideas Exchange, which is where our community can submit and vote for such ideas for consideration by our development team. Whilst we cannot guarantee that every idea will definitely be implemented, popularity or just the general "good idea" of each will certainly be considered when we're looking for new features for our themes. Thanks.
    Thank you for your reply. I would except I'm not an app themes customer as yet. My associate has signed up with through your affiliate link and has emailed you today requesting the discount code in order to purchase the theme. As soon as the purchase has been concluded I will be sure to post ideas to your forum - in the hopes that they are added, speedily.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Good to hear it :) The hosting discounts are processed quite quickly, so if he hasn't received the reply yet it will be sent shortly. Thanks.

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