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Thread: Questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Lookup's Avatar


    First off, I have bee looking for something like Vantage for a while to build a directory.
    I am WP novice but I like what I have seen so far in admin mode and I do have a couple of questions because I did not see the style sheet.

    1. Can I create a directory listing of different geographic locations and then create a listing of different professions etc. found in that location?
    E.g. Can I create a listing for Maryland and then create a category for Restaurants, Daycare centers, Mechanics and so forth? and then create another listing for say West Virginia and create categories for Daycare Centers, Mechanics etc?

    2. Do you have a free version of this theme

    3. Will there be any problems if I purchase these theme and update to the new version that is targeted for release in February?

    4. Any discounts?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. Vantage is not currently multi regional capable in the way you describe, so whilst you could easily create categories for each state, and then add the type of business as subcategories, this will of course leave you with a lot of categories overall. The easier option is to just create the categories and select the location as you can see on the Vantage demo site. Outside of this, you could look at a WordPress multisite setup, giving each location its own subdomain, but you'd be looking at additional customization to get it all working together.

    2. No, we do not offer free or trial versions of our themes.

    3. If you purchase a theme now, you will receive updates at no additional cost for the duration of your subscription period. Upgrades are relatively straightforward, however if you are making a lot of customizations to the default theme we would recommend the use of a child theme so you don't lose all of your changes in the process of an upgrade. You can read more about this here.

    4. The only promotions we have available at this time are those related to WordPress Hosting and AppThemes translations. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    Thanks for your response. Will look into some more.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

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