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Thread: Questions about JobRoller prior to purchase

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Questions about JobRoller prior to purchase

    Hi. I am looking to purchase and was wondering if you can you tell me if Jobroller has:

    - Editable Filter Types. I would like to create region or state filters. ie a jobe seeker could search for jobs within a pre specified list of sates/
    - LinkedIn login. Can a job seeker login via their LinkedIn account?
    - Job seeker dashboard. I noticed in the demo that the Wordpress dash board was viewable. Can I limit or lock access to the admin area?
    - Job seeker email notification. Can a registered job seeker receive notification of new job listings automatically?
    - Mail support. Can employers and job seekers receive email confirmations after submitting a job listing or publishing a resume?
    - Job Packs. Does this work the same way as Coupons?
    - Sharing. Can a job seeker share on Twitter, email to a friend, create notes and save a job?
    - Job life time. Can I have listings expire after a given time? Would this also apply to Indeed listings in version 1.5.1?
    - Can Google analytics be intergrated?
    - Can files (resumes, etc) be uploaded from the job seeker account or when apply for a job?

    How many of these functions could be built as plugins by a third party?


  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    - No editable filter or fields yet.
    - No LinkedIn integration yet.
    - Only the admin can have access on the admin section.
    - No option for job alert (jobs email notification) yet.
    - You have the option to moderate the submissions. In this way, when the jobs are approved jobseekers will receive a confirmation email.
    - Job Packs let you define packages that customers can purchase in order to post multiple/single jobs for varying durations.
    - There is a default twitter share button. Likewise, this can be accomplished using a plugin if you want it customized to your requirements.
    - There is an option in the Jobroller admin to set the "Expiration Days".
    - Yes there is an option for Google analytics.
    - Resumes can be created from the job seeker account
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Great! A few more questions

    A few more questions.

    - Does the Job Seeker, as a user, get a confirmation email with username and password or only the employer?
    - I noticed there is a RSS Subscribe to new listing notifications button on the demo. Can this incorporate Indeed listings in the new version (1.5.1)? i.e listing not in the Jobroller database?
    - Can both single job listings and job packs be shown at the same time? I would like to offer certain employers bulk advertiser rates and keep the single ad payments as well.
    - Can an employer pay via Paypal and or credit card direct?
    - Any plans for mobile device or 'lite' version of Jobroller in the future?

    Thanks a lot.

  4. #4
    Forum Member nayan007's Avatar
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    -Of course if a Job seeker is registering there he will get a confirmation email with username and password.
    -Yes they can pay via PayPal or credit card

    The world is not enough for me

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