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Thread: Questions About Resume Section

  1. #1
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    Guest tmtan's Avatar

    Questions About Resume Section

    1. Is it possible for resume profiles to have a direct link associated with their username?
    What I mean is, you currently have one resume uploaded on the demo site --
    Is it possible for the resume link to be -- -- so that people could simply send their direct link to potential employers?

    2. There is only only one resume currently uploaded to the demo site, but I assume that the resumes are listed in order of most recently added.
    Is there any way to move the order of the resumes listed according to the activity of a member on the site.... for instance, members who have recently logged in go to the top of the pile?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. This is not how it is set up to work by default, as applicants are required to upload their resume during application. Outside of customizing it yourself to allow such a change, there is a plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace called FXtender which allows job seekers to actually upload a resume and then apply to jobs with those that are already uploaded.

    2. There are no options for re-ordering the resumes in the JobRoller admin dashboard, so again this would require some modification of the default theme on your part if you were looking to do this. Thanks.

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