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Thread: questions before buying.

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    questions before buying.

    I have some questions before buying.
    Is it possible that the index is a map and selecting the province and seek only show on that map?
    Can do advanced searches and filtering content? As for price, location, km
    Is it possible that unregistered publish announcements?
    Can you add a system of charging for sms to increase the number of photos or premium ads?
    How often do you update the theme?

    thank you very much

  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    I read that ClassiPress is saturated when the number of ads and users is high. Is that true?

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    - This would either require customization of the theme, or you could look at one of the plugins in the AppThemes marketplace called MapPress which may offer what you're looking for.
    - The advanced search functionality can be found on the category view page, shown in the sidebar as "Refine results" (as shown in the ClassiPress demo). You can determine which custom fields are used for this search.
    - By default, ClassiPress requires users to be registered before they can post an ad. It would require customization of the default theme if you wanted to allow registration-free posting.
    - This is not a default feature of ClassiPress, so again this would require customization on your part.
    - You can get an idea from the ClassiPress version history page, with an indication of future releases from the theme release status page.
    - This ultimately relates to WordPress and the hosting setup you have, rather than ClassiPress specifically. For a majority of users, there aren't any special requirements needed to run their site without any concerns of this nature, however for very high traffic sites, you may like to read some of the High traffic tips for WordPress to get a better idea of how to manage it. Thanks.

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thank you very much for responding.
    With regard to the question of the map I was referring more to that the index would be a map in which the province pulse and show me messages that province alone. But could also serve the seeker had the option to filter by city.

    What worries me most is that wordpress is saturated, according and read on sites with many visitors ClassiPress is not good companion. And serious quality hosting is that you offer.

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No problem :) Re: the map, yes this would definitely require customization as the theme by default does not separate listings into locations in this way. There is an advanced search is the only built in method of filtering the location. Thanks.

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