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Thread: Questions: CSV Import, Badges, Categories & Level Changes

  1. #1
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    Guest tonynow1's Avatar

    Questions: CSV Import, Badges, Categories & Level Changes


    Looking at Vantage - and have looked at Brilliant Directories and had the following questions:

    1) Can I import a .csv file with 10,000 current listings?

    2) For the top tier membership, can they have a "unique" badge?

    3) Are the categories customizable?

    4) Can a member/listee change membership levels themselves?

    I would be using a developer to help. Thanks,

    tony steuer

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) Vantage has a .csv importing tool built into the theme, but there are size limitations as outlined on the admin demo here. Alternatively, if you had knowledge of mysql admin you may find it better to import the data from the back end.

    2) This is not a feature built into the theme, so would require customization on your part. Our themes are not encrypted though, so you are free to make modifications if you wish.

    3) The categories are all set up/created by you, so they can be whatever you want them to be.

    4) There aren't membership levels available, but members can upgrade listings (i.e. featured listings). Thanks.

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