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Thread: Questions regarding functionality/features

  1. #1
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    Questions regarding functionality/features

    I have a few questions about the functionality and certain features before making the decision to purchase this theme...

    1) Can the ‘leave a reply’ be removed or disabled from the bottom of the listings?

    2) Can the number of views in ad be disabled?

    3) Can google maps be disabled, along with street, state, country and zip code? I would prefer members not to list their exact location in their listing, as I will be using this site for local listings only.

    4) In the demo, when trying to post an ad and completing all the steps, I received ‘An error has occurred. Your session has expired or you are trying to submit a duplicate. Please start over.’ Is this only because it a demo or does this happen in the actual site?

    5) Can ads be easily renewed by the member? I didn't see this option in the demo dashboard.

    6) Can each email the member will receive be customized?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
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    In answer to your questions:

    1) Yes, you can disable comments within the WordPress admin settings if you wish to remove this.

    2) Through some minor code modification, yes it would be removed.

    3) If you create a custom ad form which does not include location details, then the Google map will not appear in listings.

    4) Yes, the issue only occurs because it is a demo. Although it is fully functional, it does not save data which is why the error appears.

    5) Yes you can allow ad renewals and the customer is emailed when the ad expires.

    6) You can configure the new user email within the ClassiPress admin dashboard, but outside of that it would require customization. Thanks.

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