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Thread: Questions on Subit a Job form + Payment Gateways + Resume + Job Alerts

  1. #1
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    Questions on Subit a Job form + Payment Gateways + Resume + Job Alerts

    Hello Appthemes, I'm about to launch a website in which I;ll be adding JOBS as one of the main services. Thus found your theme and I'm very much interested to buy this, but I've several questions before I buy this!?

    Firstly, 'Submit a Job' form:

    I've manually tried filling each step: Create account , Enter Job Details, Preview, Select Plan, Pay/Thank You

    Everything looks good but the back button however is redirecting the form to Step 1 rather to the Previous one!..Say, when something has to be edited/modify in step2 or step 3 during the process, the system should actually take to the previous step only rather to the first, ie: Create account section, which will definitely leave a bad impression to the person filling the form!..

    2) Payment Gateways: As my requirement is for Indians, I would want a payment gateway system which is familiar to Indians, which accepts Indian currency, so does this theme provide alternate payment gateways that supports for Indians or what would you suggest the best way here?

    3)Resume: I see there's no dedicated button for Job seekers to add/Create their Resume,is it there somewhere? Otherwise what would you recommend here to have this feature, because having a Dedicated button for Job seekers to Create Resume saves their time to have their Resume in the portal, so whenever they want to check for the updates, they can do this simply by logging to the site.

    4)Job Alerts: Does the theme has a Job alerts system to send updates to both Recruiters/Employers & Jobseekers, if it has that feature: is it customizable so we can limit or grant access to people(Recruiters & Jobseekers) of our choice?

    Look forward to your reply..



  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Pradeep,

    1) Just to clarify, when you refer to the back button issue, is this on the JobRoller demo site you're trying it? The demo site is fully functional, however there are some restrictions which prevents data being saved to it resulting in slightly different behaviour. I can confirm from a non-demo site that the back button on the page goes back just the one step.

    2) There are other payment gateway plugins available from the AppThemes marketplace, and the one for example, confirms Indian Rupee support on their site.

    3) The demo site is automatically logged in with an employer account, and we do not have a demo site with the Job Seeker account logged in at this time. When a Job Seeker is logged in though, they see a "My Dashboard" button in place of the "Submit A Job" button, and can post a resume from there.

    4) Job Seekers can sign up for job alerts, and you can find the related settings available on the JobRoller admin demo. Anything outside of this would require customization of the default theme on your part. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Pradeep's Avatar
    Hi pepsi,

    "The demo site is automatically logged in with an employer account, and we do not have a demo site with the Job Seeker account logged in at this time. When a Job Seeker is logged in though, they see a "My Dashboard" button in place of the "Submit A Job" button, and can post a resume from there. "

    Alright, so you mean both(employer+job seeker) can register & both signup forms are available, but the Job seeker reregistration form isn't available on the demo?

    Few more questions:

    1) how can we track the total number of applications(let it be 1 or many) an Employer receives when a job seeker apply to a Job, clicking Apply Online, does the system provides this facility? We want to know this as we want to monitor the number of qualified leads each employer gets, so that encourages more Employers to registers as we well we can limit just in case we want to..

    2) Right now we want to offer Employers to add jobs for free making the Ad live for 30days. We also want to give them permissions to access Resumes. However, we want to set a limit, a limit that: "an employ under this offer(free listing)can only access certain amount of Resumes". Now my question: Can we control the limit of number of Resumes an Employer/Recruiter can access, and by category wise?

    3) How does the theme handles: when an employ want to Post bulk Jobs all at a time?

    4) Will the theme automatically erases when Job expires and same time notify the Employer, as well the admin?

    Look forward to your reply..
    Thanks for your help!..

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    A user can register as either an employer or a job seeker (you can also disable the job seeker login type from the JobRoller admin if you wish). The registration form is essentially the same as you can see from this screenshot:

    But the functionality of each login type is different.

    1) There is no specific function for recording applications within the default theme, however you can set "BCC on all Apply Emails:" in the JobRoller admin dashboard email settings which would give you some idea of this. The FXtender Pro plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace does have this feature included in it along with other features not available in the default theme.

    2) There are no settings to restrict the number of resumes which can be viewed under the resume subscription options, so this would require customization of the default theme on your part if you wanted to include this. You can see existing settings in the "resumes" tab of the JobRoller settings here.

    3) You can create job plans which allow a certain number of jobs to be posted with payment required once, but they still have to create each listing separately.

    4) Jobs aren't erased, but when it expires it can be sent back to draft mode and therefore will be unpublished. Users are notified by email of expiration and you can also allow job relisting if you wish. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    "There is no specific function for recording applications within the default theme, however you can set "BCC on all Apply Emails:" in the JobRoller admin dashboard email settings which would give you some idea of this. The FXtender Pro plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace does have this feature included in it along with other features not available in the default theme."

    Thanks, I think setting a 'BCC' works fine...or I may also buy this recommended plugin..any discounts on this add-on?

    2) There are no settings to restrict the number of resumes which can be viewed under the resume subscription options, so this would require customization of the default theme on your part if you wanted to include this. You can see existing settings in the "resumes" tab of the JobRoller settings here.

    SO,you mean anyone can access Resumes free & from in any category they wish they want to!?...In that case any Employer/Recruiter who registers in any of the options(free, gold, silver etc..) can get access to all resumes in the database!??

    3) You can create job plans which allow a certain number of jobs to be posted with payment required once, but they still have to create each listing separately.


    4) Jobs aren't erased, but when it expires it can be sent back to draft mode and therefore will be unpublished. Users are notified by email of expiration and you can also allow job relisting if you wish. Thanks.

    Great, that help!

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. Unfortunately no, we don't have any promotions related to marketplace products at this time.

    2. No, you can set visibility of the resumes and also determine whether or no you want to charge employers to view the resumes. You just can't specifically restrict only a certain number of resumes to be viewed, or have them only allowed to view specific categories. You can view the resume visibility options from the JobRoller admin demo here ("Resumes" tab), and resume plan settings here.

    Thanks :)

  7. #7
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    "You just can't specifically restrict only a certain number of resumes to be viewed, or have them only allowed to view specific categories."

    This is very important because; if an Employer under Gold plan that is worth $30 & another under Diamond plan $50, both offered to view & access unlimited resumes, it just doesn't justify!!..will it?

  8. #8
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes it's important to know if that's your plan for how you would like your site to run, however it's not a default feature of the theme to be able to create the exact packages you describe, so this would require customization on your part if you wanted to implement it. Thanks.

  9. #9
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    Guest Pradeep's Avatar

    Customize Top Menus + Sidebar widgets

    "Yes it's important to know if that's your plan for how you would like your site to run, however it's not a default feature of the theme to be able to create the exact packages you describe, so this would require customization on your part if you wanted to implement it. Thanks. "

    Could you recommend any plugins, or kind of coding tips here!?

    And pepsi, I want to tell you something before going to ask few more questions...see, I'm actually looking to start a job portal as part of few other services I'm offering from this site: allinhyderabad(.)com...this site offers multiple services: Sightseeing(Discover Hyd), Movies, Events & Jobs. and this site is basically running on wordpress wordpress multisite offers the ability to run multiple sites on a single domains, I've already installed for each site separately a theme, common theme in all sites though.

    The Jobs-site require a job portal theme, here: allinhyderabad(.)com/jobs, thus I found few best themes available! Now my questions:

    1) How many Menus(custom) does the theme comes with? If it can offer 3 & more Menus, I want to add a Home page navigation menu to this JObroller theme.(pls look at this one:allinhyderabad(.)com Discover Hyderabad | Movies | Events | Jobs(on the top navigation(blue ribbon kind). Noticed that Jobroller has top nav links placed in order: About|blog|Contact|Resources|Faq(left) & Submit a Job| Browse Resumes | MyDashboard | Logout(right) all listed on a black ribbon/strip, can we customize this nav front-end to change to the exact same kind of Top navigation ribbon, as on the homepage of my site(allinhyderabad(.)com), so I can add required menus of this JobRoller theme menus in Header section. So, in total I will have two navigations: 1) like on the Home page of my site:allinhyderabad(.)com 2) Navigation links of Jobportal site inthe header.

    2) On the right navigation of this theme, it has: Submit a Job(button), Browse by, Available Job Packs, Buy Packs etc...can we reposition these? also, can we add widgets of our wish & replace the unnecessary things? as you can see on the homepage of my site(allinhyderabad[.]com), there are widgets of Twitter updates etc... I want to add them here too: allinhyderabad(.)com/jobs after installing JObroller that possible?

    Please let me know if something is not clear..

    Look forward to your reply..

  10. #10
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There aren't any plugins specifically for what you are looking to do with the packages, and as we don't officially support customizations or offer these services, my only suggestion would be that perhaps you may like to refer to the certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for the work.

    1) The theme supports 2 custom menus as you can see from the JobRoller admin demo here, so you can customize the top left and header right-side menus from within there.

    2) The options you see in the right-hand sidebar are widgets which are edited here. You can configure these for various pages as shown on the right hand side of that widget screen. Thanks.

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