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Thread: Really looong questions about the functionality/coding/plug-ins.

  1. #1
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    Really looong questions about the functionality/coding/plug-ins.

    1. I want to add 2 or maybe three currencies on my website, so my first question is is it possible to add new currencies and if yes, the second question is, will the price/numbers automaticly change after i change the currency on the site? For example if a scarf is $10, and i change to currency to Euros, will it automaticly become eu8.4? Now i know that 10 bucks are not 8.4 euros but i just wrote that so i can show you guys what i mean. Is there a ready-to-use code for this, or should i write it on my own?

    2. About the adds, because i was watching the demo theme of classipress, im not talking about the ads that the people will post, im talking about ads from other companies, ads that stay on the left/right side of the website, i dont really know how the word for this, but im sure you guys know what im saying, it is the section that contains "from the blog" and "twitter updates", now can i remove those two boxes, and instead of them put a random number of adds (paid adds by other companies, like sorry i dont know the word for it :) ), also can i create a slightly smaller section like this but on the left side? Im sure i can with custom coding, but please be honest, is it tough, or should i just basically copy some part of that code, and modify the size and try to put it in the left side?

    3. Another question, will users be able to buy/sell products using paypal? One option im considering is, after they put their add/object, they should leave their phone number and the interested person should contact them, but is it possible this to be done via paypal or something else?

    4. Can i make a map with dreamwaver with regions and cities and integrate with classipress/jobroller? Id give you guys an example of what am i talking about, but i dont know if posting links from other web sites is allowed. Im not trying to advertise the other site, but im sure you'll get the idea much better of what am i trying to explain.

    I also want to know: after i update my customized themes, will my code or other plug-ins be removed and after a buy the themes (planing to buy jobroller and classipress), are there free plug-ins, or should i buy all of them?

    Im sorry that i wrote such a long questions, but im really interested of buying this, and planing to do so, tomorow or the day after it.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. There is no current function built within the theme to allow multiple currencies to be used, so this would require customization on your part. You can however set one currency symbol from the front end and collect payments in another currency. You may wish to check out the ClassiPress admin demo to see what it is you can set. No, there is no ready to use code for this mod, and on that note, you should be aware that customizations and third party plugins are not officially supported.

    2. Yes, you can remove the "from the blog" and "twitter updates" widgets if you wish, and customise the sidebar with the widgets you want to use. I know of many customers who are successfully using 125x125 ad space widgets for their sidebar to handle outside advertising banners. Whether or not customizing the theme is difficult, really depends on your level of knowledge. I have seen customers who have created a sidebar on the left hand side, so it can be done.

    3. The only PayPal integration used in ClassiPress is for collecting money from people for posting ads, not for customer transactions between each other. How they collect payment is up to them, as ClassiPress simply allows the means to make contact by using the contact form in the ad sidebar.

    4. This is a customization question which we really can't confirm, as it's not part of the theme. Whether or not you could get something like this working is really up to you.

    ClassiPress and JobRoller are both stand alone WordPress themes, not plugins, so yes, once activated they will each replace any existing WordPress theme you may be currently using.

    I hope this info helps :)

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