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Thread: registering location HELP. address

  1. #1
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    registering location HELP. address

    Im interested to buy this classified script from you BUT i need to know one thing. we are in spain all our classified posters will be in spain is it possible to change the US locations states etc to spain. for example you select spain as country but the locations are still US like florida etc.. I will need when people register and sellect SPAIN that the locations drop down are in spain such as alicante, valencia etc

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You can easily change the US values for the "State" field to that of your country from within the custom fields edit screen as seen here on the ClassiPress admin demo. You can also change the title of the field itself to that relevant of your country. Thanks :)

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    thank you BUT

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    You can easily change the US values for the "State" field to that of your country from within the custom fields edit screen as seen here on the ClassiPress admin demo. You can also change the title of the field itself to that relevant of your country. Thanks :)

    I have just looked at that BUT that would mean that would have to manually list every place?? and does this mean that the google map of the registerers or add placers location would be correct on the map

  4. #4
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    Thank you for making the sincere attempt to speak about this on . I feel very strong about it and would like to read more. If it's OK, as you achieve extra extensive wisdom, may you mind including extra articles similar to this one with additional info? It will be extraordinarily useful and helpful for me and my friends. Great!

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    All the field values section needs is a comma separated list of the town you require, and this kind of list should be easily accessible online without the need to manually type out every city. The location of the Google Map in the ad sidebar is determined by the location information entered into the new ad form, so as long as the fields are completed, the location can be found on the map. Thanks.

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