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Thread: registration and images and invoices

  1. #1
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    registration and images and invoices

    1. registration
    can i set up two different geistrationforms, 1 for jobseekers only and 1 for employers only?

    2. images
    can i put in in the front of the listings pictures/companaylogos instead of these "stripes" with freelancetext tec?

    3. invoices
    is an plugin available to print and send invoices?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. By default, the registration is the same for both types of users with the exception of selecting which "type" they are. We do have a tutorial available on how to customize the registration form which you can read here.

    2. Technically it could be done, but this would require customization of the default theme on your part as there is no setting for this in the JobRoller admin dashboard.

    3. Not that we are aware of at this time. Thanks.

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