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Thread: Release schedule for Rave review theme.

  1. #1
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    Release schedule for Rave review theme.

    I see that the theme releases page ( has been updated again and the Rave reviews theme that was slated for, I believe it was, January, then March is now showing as "Spring 2014". Does this mean it has been pushed back to April? When April hits will it get pushed back to June or July or beyond?

    I wish someone could give us some idea what is going on and some reasonable idea of when we can expect these new themes to be released.
    It is not very encouraging to see these dates slipping over and over without any explanation. I understand the nature of software development and running a company so an explanation and possible realistic timeline would be greatly appreciated by many of your customers (both existing and potential new ones like myself). If there is a shuffle going on in the company or a lack of resources at the moment, fine but please just let us know instead of leaving us in the dark which is very frustrating especially when we have planned projects. Thank you so much.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes it had been some time since the theme release status page was updated, so this was updated recently. It is also correct that we have had some behind the scenes changes happening at AppThemes, so this has effected some of our initially estimated release dates for new themes, however we have still been able to release version updates for many of our themes over the last few months as well. As we've outlined on that page, these are ultimately estimated dates, so we are doing our best to provide realistic time frames based on the information at the time we update them. It's unfortunate it has to change sometimes, as you will know this is also the nature of software development. We'd rather release products that are ready, than to quickly rush into getting products out there simply to meet "estimated" dates posted on a page. Thanks.

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