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Thread: A request as i really liked the theme

  1. #1
    amit kumar
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    A request as i really liked the theme

    i am starting a coupon website.i found three themes suitable for that .one is clipper and other is coupon press and responsive coupon theme.out of the three i liked clipper the most.but the problem is that i cant buy it even if i am ready to in my country india getting a credit card is not a normal thing.and you have pament gateway which accepts only credit card.
    so i am requesting to add payment gateway which also accepts debit will benefit many users from india who wants to buy your theme.
    the other two theme can be easily purchased as they have facility of debit card payment.but i really liked clipper,and want to pay for it .will you enhance your payment sysytem?????

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The only payment methods we have available are via PayPal or Google Wallet, so unfortunately we cannot facilitate other payment options outside of these if the gateways themselves don't support the card type for your location. We have a lot of customers from India. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    The only payment methods we have available are via PayPal or Google Wallet, so unfortunately we cannot facilitate other payment options outside of these if the gateways themselves don't support the card type for your location. We have a lot of customers from India. Thanks.
    why dont you consider adding a payment gaeway which supports debit card,likewiseyou can see in couponpress website,its very easy to pay request to appthemesis to add more advanced payment gateway so that many including me find a way to purchase appthemes.
    so let me know if you are considering my request so that i can buy clipper otherwise i would have no option other than moving to ohers sites themes even if a liked the clipper the most.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    We may certainly consider looking at other payment options in future, however as you're looking to buy now it's unlikely we'll have this done in a time frame which would suit this, sorry.

  5. #5
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    We may certainly consider looking at other payment options in future, however as you're looking to buy now it's unlikely we'll have this done in a time frame which would suit this, sorry.
    disappointed........Anyways thanks for reply.

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