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Thread: Sales/Payent channels

  1. #1
    Simon May
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    Guest Simon May's Avatar

    Sales/Payent channels

    I would like the option to collect money for sales of advertised goods as well as charge for advertising. Is there a plug-in or upgrade planned for this?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    There are available third party plugins to charge for banner advertising automatically.
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  3. #3
    Simon May
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    Guest Simon May's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jomarkosabel View Post
    There are available third party plugins to charge for banner advertising automatically.
    Not the banner advertising. I want the ability to sell and collect money for things that 3rd parties place classifieds on my site.

    I want the functionality of Classipress, as it it is, to allow people to maintain their own products and I want the functionality of a traditional e-store to sell those products myself.
    I'm sure if this feature could be added you would more than double your target market. I hope this clarifies my question.

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