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Thread: Search Default text

  1. #1
    Forum Member doorman's Avatar
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    Search Default text

    I am using jobroller 1.3 and the search default text has dissppeared. Before I pay for a subscription I really need to know how to fix this, as it seems pointless. I used to have Location (include UK) on the default text to help users search the UK rather than USA. Now it has vanished but is still in my .css

    Any suggestions to sort this out would be great, otherwise I can not see my self getting the subscription for updates.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Support for our themes is only available to verified AppThemes customers. There is currently no "Subscription" fee to use our themes, but a one-off license cost. If you have not actually purchased the JobRoller theme you are clearly using (which appears to be the case), then I would strongly suggest you delete the files from your website, as you are not licensed to use it. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Forum Member doorman's Avatar
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    Hi there,
    This theme came with the website when I had it made.
    I was told that the theme already has the licence bought by the site builder.
    The following information is stated in my dashboard: License Type: Professional Edition

    Kindest regards

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