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Thread: Search, no events and plugins

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Search, no events and plugins

    Hello Pepsi,

    I've been through a few pages of posts in the forum, but think it is easier to just write and ask (sorry if was answered before):

    1) The main search, is it possible to hide/delete the "Search For" field? I'd need just the location to be search. Would it disrupt the theme somehow?

    2) I don't want events, if I disable it in the back office, will it be hidden from the whole site automatically?

    3) And, if I buy the theme and install it, will it be working/looking exactly like the demo or do I need to buy plug-ins for that as well?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No problem ;) In answer to your questions:

    1) There is no setting within the Vantage admin dashboard to remove the search field, so it would require customization on your part if you wanted to do that. It wouldn't disrupt the theme not having it there, but you will of course need coding knowledge to make the change.
    2) Yes, disabling events will mean there is no reference to it on the front end at all, with only the option to activate it showing in the wp-admin also.
    3) The demo site is what the theme is like out of the box with no additional plugins, so other than adding your own categories/listings and selecting the widgets you want, it can be set up to look exactly the same without modifications. Thanks.

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