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Thread: Set Blog as homepage? Can classifieds run on different page?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Set Blog as homepage? Can classifieds run on different page?

    I am planning to buy Classipress. But before I buy, I want to know if there is a specific way to configure the classipress theme code so that my blog runs on my homepage, and the classifieds run on a separate page. I tried searching these forums for an answer to this question and found several relevant posts, but since I haven't bought the product yet I cannot see the post replies. I would also want the featured ads slider to still show on the classifieds page as normal, but I would also like to install it in other areas of my blog to achieve the desired result and attract blog readers to the classifieds area. I guess I want to know if I will be able to get specific support on what code to change and how to change it in the classipress theme to achieve my goal (before i purchase this impressive product). All the best... I look forward to a response ;-)

  2. #2
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Additionally, I do not want to run classipress in a subdirectory of wordpress, as I have found that I really want to use the classipress green design throughout my site. So running it on the home install is preferred in regards to my above inquiry.

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our themes are not actually designed to run on a static homepage (even though this is an option in the general WordPress admin dashboard). So although yes, you can select a static homepage to appear by default on your site, i.e. the blog page, you will find that functions and features such as the featured ads slider, and other functions may not work correctly. This is not to say you cannot do this, as some customers have chosen to use the blog as their default landing page, however it would require you to do some customization in order for you to achieve what you describe above.

    AppThemes does not officially support customizations, so we do not have step by step tutorials available to you to make such changes, however you can of course seek community based support within our forums.

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    ok, I know this already from reading your answer on another forum post regarding this very same question. But what i am asking is this: Is there already support for this modification in the forum as provided by other forum contributors??? I am asking this because I cannot browse the "hidden" forum answers (since I have not purchased classipress yet) and I want to make sure I will be able to make this modification successfully prior to purchasing the product. I just want to know if this issue has been solved in the forums so I can make the purchase. So that is my question. Please advise.

  5. #5
    Veteran bluecafe's Avatar
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    This won't be too difficult. You can save the current index.php as a page template and create a page for ads using this new page template. Then you would need to create a new index.php from the existing page template for blog posts. Basically it would be just an exchange: page template for ads (not for blog posts) and index.php for blog posts (not for ads).

  6. #6
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    thanks bluecafe, sounds like this should be an easy mod since you make it sound so easy. i will prob buy the theme tonight and try that modification, although i heard something from a friend who bought classipress that the theme actually has a blank index.php file to prevent directory browsing... is this true? would this alter your mod suggestion? if the index.php file is blank, i wonder which file should be used for the mod?

  7. #7
    Veteran bluecafe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    thanks bluecafe, sounds like this should be an easy mod since you make it sound so easy. i will prob buy the theme tonight and try that modification, although i heard something from a friend who bought classipress that the theme actually has a blank index.php file to prevent directory browsing... is this true?
    No, the index.php isn't blank. This must have been another theme your friend was talking off. index.php in classipress contains the code for the frontpage. You can easily use it to create a page template Pages « WordPress Codex (it's just adding a piece of code at the top)

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