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Thread: several pre purchase questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    several pre purchase questions

    I am planing to buy theme ASAP but need to know several things before proceeding.

    1. On listing page (any business) can I add photos and videos in section where is description (not only in planed space for photos)
    2. Site will be used locally, located in republic of Serbia, European continent. I guess that starting point for google maps on index page can be set to this region (or city?)
    3. I can see there is a Serbian language pack available, is it in cyrilic or latinic (both are official in Serbia)
    4. There is no Serbian currency available, from what I see in demo,is it possible to add it?
    5. Is there a social share plugin that is working ,and which one do you suggest?
    6. We already have site on you can see top scroller at the site with some info. Is there option to use something similar on vintage, maybe in footer or in the middle of the page ,etc?
    7. Can I disable EVENTS section on site if I don't need it?
    8. Can I disable completely price options when adding listing or at least leave only one,free option?
    9. Can I use google analytics plugin ?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. You can add e.g. embedded YouTube code for videos, but not actually upload videos or images into the description field.
    2. You can set the region in the Geo settings page as shown here on the Vantage admin demo, so if your country has a region code you can use that.
    3. There is no current Serbian translation file for the Vantage theme, but you can read more about how these are created and also about the AppThemes translator benefits here.
    4. If it's not listed in the admin page settings dropdown then it is because it's not supported by PayPal which is the defaul payment gateway included with the theme. You can however purchase additional payment gateway plugins from the AppThemes marketplace, so one of these may support your currency if their site indicates this.
    5. You can find suggestions on our recommended pluigins page.
    6. There is no option for this within the theme, so it would require customization on your part if you wish to add it.
    7. Yes, you can choose not to have this available by setting it in the Vantage admin dashboard.
    8. Yes you can allow all free listings if you wish.
    9. AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins, so we cannot guarantee that they will all be compatible with our themes. You can certainly add Google analytics code manually in the theme if you wish to add it, but I cannot confirm if a plugin will do this out of the box. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    ok,where I can get files for translation then?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You can download the English file to translate from the theme page itself here. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    OK, file sent to support. I will tweak things and optimize it once i purchase theme because I need to see it deployed to be completely sure hat everything is fine.


  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks, we will communicate via email regarding the translation.

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